Scientifically Speaking
You are here because you are interested in science, or perhaps you are
even a top research scientist. Whatever the case, we all have to obey the laws,
or "truths" of nature. To me science is an extension of my love for nature, and
truth. When I was a kid, I had to always see what made things tick. I was born in Finland, a country whose people are still in nature dispite their ultra-modern appearance. My parents taught me not to worship the eye, i.e. don't try to do things for people's eyes, and then change your value system later when you believe you can get away with it. In Ontario Canada I began to develop my love for the natural world, at our home on the lake. When I grew up, I studied biology at the University of Victoria, Canada. Science to me represents truth. Opinions are born and destroyed; concepts that
are true, hopefully survive, while false ideas perish. Like math, you can't twist it to be something else, like politically correct for example. If you say life began by itself, then demonstrate it in the laboratory, now. After all, science refuses to accept any other type of proof. There is no such science where the outcome of an experiment is dependent on concensus or some other type of conclusion not consistent with the Scientific Method. We cannot take science and use it to further our own agendas. We must state that evolution is one theory, creation is another, and let's look at the pros and cons of both. Of course science can be used for evil purposes. We know it can, and often is.
Dr. Hayward spoke to his UVic Biology 100 class; he was promoting his
biology courses like most faculties. "Why study biology?" he asked. "Philosophy
of life," he said answering his own question. The freshmen sat there absorbing
it all - in wonderment of how fortunate they were to get this new knowledge. The
same year, a petition was going around the campus to legalize abortion. Yes
indeed, a new philosopy of life was in the works alright.
Carl Linnaeus - The
Swedish father of taxonomy
Did you
Ozone: Deadly Poison or Medical Miracle?
Ozone to most of us makes us think of the ozone layer, the ozone hole, or
pollution. Most of us and even ozone scientists know nothing about medical
ozone. What is it? Ozone is oxygen, with an extra atom. The pure form of Ozone
is widely used in medicine with excellent
results around the world, especially in Germany. Medically, the pure form is added in
minute amounts in mostly pure oxygen. The impure form is a pollutant. But there is no
money in ozone, its almost free and cannot be patented. And because of this,
drug companies will not even research it, calling it a dangerous substance (to
their drug sales) and succeeding in scaring everyone away from an inexpensive,
possibly miraculous, cure. So the EPA and drug companies agree on its "danger to
humanity" and we never hear about its beneficial uses. Scientists and drug
companies have helped mankind alot, but there is more they can do if they choose
to if personal interests are put aside for a moment.
In their zeal to
deal with the air pollution problem, the EPA approved MTBE for use in gasoline,
a posion in gasoline now polluting the nations water supply due to leaking
gasoline tanks.
See Junk Science
Cold Fusion?
An interesting topic on Coast to Coast AM (the Art Bell show January 5,
and November 21, 2000, Art's last show was December 31, 2002) was Cold Fusion. Apparently all this talk about yes it
works, no it doesn't is just that under certain conditions it works, but make a
slight alteration in the setup and it fails to go. So, the "experts" pronounced
it a fraud and bingo, everyone stays away from it like the plague. Art discussed
with his guest Dr. Malove the fact that not much research is required to see the dream come true. But threats to pull research grants at universities has blocked research as usual. (Personal note: You know, I have a strong feeling that this phenomenon
is real and you may find yourself waking up one morning to a new world, but as
for you, you have missed the chance to get on board - just like the computer
Update: Dr. Eugene Malove was murdered May 2004.
He spoke out against interests that were blocking research into this inexpensive energy source. See Report.
So what is doable in the near future according to the discussion? An
energy device the size of a breadbox, that can power your entire house. Can you
imagine the devastation it would cause in human society. Power stations would
close, oil wells would grind to a halt, Middle Eastern economies would collapse.
No more need to annex oil-rich countries...peace on earth. Even the Arab States
sense this impending doom to their source of wealth. If it happened tomorrow,
even Russia might collapse almost totally, becoming several dozen countries,
which it should be anyway. The United States would be powerless to prop up all
the chaos. When the smoke clears, however, the world will have entered a new age
where greenhouse gasses would be a thing of the past, and our cars would be
getting a hundred kilometers for $0.10, or perhaps they would even fly! Air
transportation would be dirt cheap - like catching a bus. You could visit your
relatives on the other side of the world on the weekend for a few bucks. A
totally new and cheap energy source would revolutionize our lives even more than
the computer.
War against Cold Fusion
- what could be behind it?
Laura Lee Show - Cold
Infinite Energy - Dr.
Eugene Mallove
Robert Cook's Fantastic Motor - Here is the propulsion system of the future.
Cold Fusion - and Other Paradigm Shifts. Why cold fusion makes sense in biology.
from Ice : Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
by Dr. Eugene Mallove
Availability: This title usually ships within 2-3 days.
Paperback - 334 pages reissue edition (January 1991) Infinite Energy Pr;
ISBN: 1892925028 Sales Rank: 96,558 Avg. Customer Rating: Number of Reviews: 4
Transmutations The Reality of Cold Fusion
Hardcover - 151 pages (December 1, 1998) Infinite Energy Press;
ISBN: 1892925001 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.71 x 9.34 x 6.26 Sales Rank: 143,592 Avg. Customer Rating: Number of Reviews: 1
Heat : Why Cold Fusion Research Prevailed
by Charles G. Beaudette, Arthur C. Clarke
Hardcover (April 2000) Oak Grove Pr Llc; ISBN: 0967854806
Other Editions: Paperback
Avg. Customer Rating: Number of Reviews: 5
Invention Marketing Frauds
You know what, forget patenting every little idea that comes into your
head. But especially stay away from the invention marketing companies. They will
tell you your invention is the best thing since sliced bread. Then they will
take your money and leave you wondering what happened. Stay away.
If you have a good idea, disclose it to a manufacturer with an disclosure
agreement whereby they can patent it if they choose to make and sell it. Try
doing it under common law. Less than 5% of patented ideas ever see the light of
day, but millions are made by patent lawyers and invention marketing companies
from unsuspecting inventors.
Evolution: Good science or just science-fiction?
Evolution: leftist propaganda?
Science and Reincarnation Theory
Is reincarnation fact? Alright, perhaps there is such a thing as reincarnation, I mean so many people believe it and, maybe it's true, who knows. But there may also be physical explanations for the phenomenon of memory of events not experienced by the person during the present life. Some think they
have the answer, but do they have the whole story? There may be more to it than just the spiritual side. What has science to say about that? Well, they
took DNA from a rat that was trained to negotiate a maze, injected it into a
naive rat, and presto, the naive rat knew how to run the maze. Learning and
memory had been passed over from one rat to the other by genes. In like manner,
memory is passed at the cellular level from a transplant doner to a recipient,
who has memories of a "past" life.
When people have "past life" experiences, the memories are most
likely due to memory which is present in the genetic material in a way which has
not been yet determined. This would explain why some people seem to "know" how
to do some things, while others don't have a clue. Could Lamarck's theories of
adaptive change have more validity than previously thought? Remember, he was the
guy who said that giraffes got their long necks because they had to continually
stretch them to obtain food. So behavior became encoded in genes from
repetition, according to Lamarck's discredited theory.
The evidence suggests that there is a bi-directional effect from genes to
somatic cells whereby the genes direct the formation of the body part, and the
body part feeds back on the genes in some way, tuning them up. In this way, fine
adjustments are made to the genes, information which is remembered and passed
As I said, animals within a speci do adapt to different environments,
just look at people. This would account for intraspecific changes which would
take much longer through natural selection, therefore it would be advatageous.
Since survival requires faster adaptation than could be obtained by natural
selection alone, some mechanism for faster change would make sense. Therefore
some memory of how previous generations did something would give a person an
advantage, and this experience is what might be acquired within a lifetime and
transferred through genes to progeny.
A "scientist" recently claimed that homosexuality is inherited.
Biologically, traits appear which are adaptive, in other words they help the
organism to survive in some way. Biological organisms are considered successful
if they succeed in reproducing, and failures, if they do not. The successful
ones pass their traits onto their children, and so they should. The unsuccessful
ones do not pass their genes onto their children, and so they shouldn't.
Therefore, from a biological perspective, homosexuality, which is not a trait
that in any way helps the organism or its species to survive, is therefore
maladaptive. It will gradually become more scarce if it is an inherited trait. The only way we can see an increase is through recruitment and if it is caused by some environmental problem in food, water or air, in which case some would be classified as diseases. Since we already know many plant estrogens and pesticides mimick human hormones, this may actually be a cause.
Homosexuality in ducks has been pointed out as genetic. But that is false too
because of imprinting, by which ducks acquire traits in their first few hours of
life. If it is genetic as some "scientists" claim, the frequency of the gene would go down since the genes are not being passed to progeny. If it is not genetic, the observed increasing frequency may be from recruiting.
There are prenatal causalities, such as chemicals, and foods which must be considered. Carol Simontacchi claims that infant formulas, introduced after WWII, have caused serious changes in our youth. THA is a structural fat that is important for the development of the brain. No infant formula in North America has this fat. It cannot be produced by the child, it must be gotten from mother's milk where amino acids are correctly balanced. (Carol Simontacchi) You cannot get this balance from artificial food. Milk contains branch chain amino acids, which are fine for developing big muscles and small brains of cows, but humans need mother's milk, which develops the human brain. Since the baby's brain is growing for the first three years of life, the mother should breast-feed her child for this period. If the child does not get the essential fat THA, what happens is that there is not enough Tryptophan in the brain to produce Seratonin. That means the mother must stay at home for the first couple of years, as nature intended. The feminist doctrine wants to put kids in day care without the benefit of the mother's love and...milk. So why are so many kids acting out these days?
Soya based formula is no better. Besides not having the correct balance of the above amino acids, it contains a substance called isoflavone, which is a plant estrogen. Your baby could get the equivalent of 5 to 10 birth control pills per day (Carol Simontacchi) if you feed soya based formulas. This dangerous substance could be removed for pennies, but it is not. Water is better, if mother's milk is not available.
The balance of estrogen and testosterone must be correct in the developing baby if the cognative processes are to be correctly gender specific. This could be a disaster for your child, who may have sexual identification problems as an adult. Since soya is in so many products, we may not be aware of the ultimate effects on our society. Chemicals and pesticides in our environment, which also have hormonal effects, must be removed forever from our environment. So, if we can prove that abnormal behavior is caused by environmental causes, including vaccines and other medicines, and we removed them, the world just might slowly become "sane" again.
Exposing Evolutionary/Science Frauds:
Face That Demonstrates the Farce of Evolution by Hank Hanegraaff
Archeology : The Hidden History of the Human Race by Michael A. Cremo,
Richard L.
Evolution is a
Linus Pauling
Nobel Prize winner got nothing but abuse from the scientific community
for his excellent research on molecular structures, especially Vitamin C.
Scientific objectivity in dealing with science and
Most scientists are honest to the laws of nature. There is no choice - you
must obey while keeping an open mind. It is the scientists who are in a position to manipulate results for
political or economic reasons that are the problem, and many of them are on the
public payroll. Dishonesty in science knows no boundaries. Medicine is just one
of the areas where people die because scientists allow themselves to be
controlled by those who finance them, (perhaps by necessity) and do research
looking for a certain politically correct result. I already mentioned one such
area - ozone. The only way for us to stop it, is by knowing certain attitudes of
science, and to use them critically. We cannot turn our minds over to the
"experts," we have to always ask some questions. You could start with these four
attitudes of science:
1) Parsimony - what is the simplest explanation for the phenomenon?
2) Scientific manipulation - what if an independent variable is changed?
A ---> B
3) Empiricism - "Show me" or I will not believe you; where is the
4) Determinism - Everything has a cause, nothing just "happens." A fire
for example, must have cause, it didn't just happen, and life does not simply
appear from a soup.
All or some of these attitudes are violated by reputable teachers and
scientists, many of whom know better.
Book Features
: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century by Michio Kaku List
Dr. Kaku says that there are different levels of worlds in the universe,
depending on their abiltity to harness energy. Space flight requires more energy
than we can harness at the present time. However, most of the civilizations
never go beyond their discovery of element 92, because they blow themselves up.
We are a "0" level civilization, but we could become a level "1" if we find a
way to live in peace. Interesting concept.
By the way, the element 114 (I believe) is the element that scientists
working on captured spacecraft say is the power source. Humans have not yet been
able to synthesize this element in stable forms, the longest life being about
one-half hour.
Transmutations and their applications in: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Ecology,
Medicine, Nutrition, Agronomy, Geology by Louis C. Kervran
Kervran's experiments offer convincing proof that atoms change from one
to another at
low temperatures, but only in biological systems.
Tornado in a Junkyard: The Relentless Myth of Darwinism (Paperback) by James Perloff
TWA Missile
I heard witnesses talking about what they saw on the night the TWA
flight 800 was shot down, on the Art Bell show. The investigator was being
interviewed by Art Bell, and he said that the FBI had silenced the witnesses,
and that the only news media that was helpful was Art Bell's show (last show was December 31, 2002). Nobody knows for sure who did it but one thing is certain: it was not an explosion inside the fuel tank. One person claims his friend's rocket brought it down. See TWA Missile
Ornithopters: Flying with flapping wings!
The Way Stuff Works: how all
kinds of stuff works.
Out-of-Place Metal Objects
- found: high tech objects over 100,000 years old! Information that does not fit into most of our paradigms.
Gasoline cutting
torch - better and cheaper than acetylene
Shift Coming? - What this means to your future.
good science or just good science-fiction?
Creation Science: sometimes a topic.
Science - creationist point of view
Russian UFO Site
Manipulation of Human Populations
New life forms discovered
- flying rods
Wind tunnel tests wind generators
Federal Reserve -
No more Federal than Federal Express
Front Page:
Interesting reports.