Editorial:These writings are purely the opinions of the author and not of any religious organization. Read this if you would like to hear the truth about what is happening to our western countries, exemplified by the United States. Don't read this if you think you know everything already and want to stay in your bunker of ignorance. The Truth shall set you free; The Lie will enslave you. Let me preface the following statements with this: we love all people of all religions, no matter how misguided, but we hate evil messages of violence, which many have listened to and carried forward into action. The bottom line in our crisis of religion in the western world is this: we have created a void by turning away from the God of our fathers; Islam sees its opportunity to make its move to dominate the world. We have switched from the threat of Communist domination to being overrun by a foreign, violent religion which stands for antisemitism and anti-Christian ideals, though not every Muslim practices these ideals. If we allow Islam to take hold of our countries, we may one day be forced to accept this religion and be cast into the 7th century like the other Islamic countries. When you translate Muhammad's actions into today's reality, you get a terrorist. How so? I'll give you a clue: Muhammad did not ride into Makkah on a donkey.
Once a Muslim, always a Muslim, or almost. Being a Muslim is not fun, you are bound by tradition that is always in your face. You must do this, and don't do that...You are being watched and you better not stray. No music other than some Islamic propaganda noise, no freedom for women, prayers five times a day, brainwashing relentlessly to hating Jews and Christians, beating your wife...Of course it will not happen all at once, but that is the final goal. Result: imagine living in Iran transplanted where you live.
If we are to make any sense of what is happening in the world today, we must have some background information. Make no mistake: the Judeo Christian ethic, which guarantees our freedom, is under serious attack, and this requires all of our immediate attention to stop this nonsense. In this regard, we, with our misguided do-good know-it-all attitude are our own worst enemies. We have allowed our children to fall under the power of evil, by voting God out of our institutions and invited pagan religions to set up shop in our country. We have chased God out and effectively invited the devil in. The only thing keeping the devil away from our children in the schools was the morning Lord's Prayer, which chases the evil one away daily, and keeps him away. If the Lord's Prayer was wrong in schools, our former presidents would have certainly got rid of it - but in their wisdom, and to their credit, they did not. (We, believing they were wrong and we are smart, reversed their decision.) Well, now that's all gone thanks to our "higher" wisdom of separating (banishing) God and State. We failed to realize that only God can keep the State and the people truly free. Chasing God out just created a void, which evil entities exploited. Now we don't teach them about God; we teach them about homosexuality, sex education, safe sex, abortion, situational ethics and so on. However, it is very evident that the teachers have lost control of the children and this is a direct result of kicking God out. They are not going to respect authority of man if they are not taught to respect God, yes, in our institutions and our God, not the imported pagan ones. All gods are not the same.
Mr. Ted Kennedy is behind this believe it or not. He did not want any Christian (which he thought had become too powerful) prayer in schools nor even Christian immigration, but rather Islamic, starting in the 1960's. Christianity had to be destroyed! Well, he is catholic in name only, but despite some good he (and Clinton) have done, he has also done great damage to the United States and Christian studies in schools. Now it is time to reverse it, for the sake of freedom.Christianity is the only thing standing between freedom and slavery. This may sound like a lie, but it may be paradoxical in many ways - i.e. what we thought was brainwashing of lies, was actually merely teaching the truth. We must bring the truth to Muslims and reinstate prayer in schools. When we removed the Lord's prayer from the schools, we opened the door to evil in our schools. There should never be a spiritual vacuum in schools. It will be God or the Devil: we must choose. The Lord's prayer WAS keeping the Devil out. The proof is in the problems schools are having today with drugs and killings etc. We must bring it back, or loose the war against Islam and also lose our freedoms.
We are told "Islam means peace." And most of us are naive enough to believe it every time the President or Prime Minister makes the declaration. Arab oil money was behind these statements, as he received calls after 9/11 from his friends over there telling him to tell the world that Islam means "peace." It does not. There are peaceful Muslims, but their religion is NOT peaceful. It chopped its way to success, like a huge vegematic, in rivers of blood. If we continue to believe a lie, we deserve to reap the consequences. Islam actually means submission. They want to bring democracy to submission under Allah.
Two thousand years ago, God sent His only son Jesus to die for our sins, because God loves us, so that we would not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16) This contrasts with the Qu'ran's teaching that guarantees paradise and great rewards for those who die for Islam. So, both religions have death as a way to heaven, but in Christianity, God sends the sacrifice. (Islam has no sacrifice so everyone has to be it themselves.) He told the world to love God, and one another. For how can a man love God and not his brother? It is impossible! If "Christians" have done ANY differently, they have done it on their own and against their master's command. So don't blame Christ's teachings, blame ignorant people. The most common comment going around today is how religion is the cause of all mankind's problems. Before that it was Capitalism that was the evil mankind should erase. We always want to blame a dogma, idea, but never ourselves. We don't blame the evil inquisitors, we blame Christianity. We don't blame Baker, or other crooks who operate in the name of Christ, we blame the religion - we must banish religion, is the cry. Whether we are Muslims, Christians or anything else, WE are responsible for our actions. If we blow ourselves up for our religion, WE are to blame, because we were willing to listen to an evil message. Perhaps WE are the ones in which resides the WILL to do evil - for without this will, no bomb will go off, nothing happens despite the idealism or belief. When we listen to the source of evil, (brainwashing) we may act. This is where the Universe sorts out who have not overcome their human (killing) nature. We, as humans have inherited the tendency to kill, which Christ came to change - in us. We will listen to the call to kill if we have not undergone a rebirth into life, rather than death.
There IS a religion that often preaches hatred of Jews and their friends (yes, that means you) that has nothing to do with retaliation and everything to do with pure HATE. Telling the truth is not hate speech, this is hate speech:
The lie going around today is that militant Islam is retaliating against something bad done to Muslims. They believe (according to the Koran) it is wrong to kill innocent people, so they redefined innocent. They don't prosper or they are miserable in their religion which is keeping them in a straight-jacket of their own making. So they blow themselves up and others, because they are "retaliating." How dumb is that? We can't cave in and make concessions to Islam merely because they are complaining. Many Muslims are preoccupied in trying to figure out how to get rid of Christians and Jews because that is what has been drummed into their heads day and night since they were born. How dumb is that? You see, there is increased emphasis on the violent parts of the Qu'ran today by Islamic leaders, and this causes many to act in violent ways. Most Muslims (even the peaceful ones) don't mind seeing Americans and their allies blown up, (they deserve it) few make any public statements condemning Islamic violence. What was the response of American Muslims to 9/11? Silence. Their own hate is consuming them, as it would all of us if we were to do likewise. Well, we have the answer: Jesus Christ. He said if you call on Him, he will answer. So, try it - I dare you - especially if you are a Muslim. Break out of that prison, and all who do not know Jesus are not free. Jesus said "you will know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." And the person that Jesus has set free, is free indeed.
It doesn't do us any good to pass truth off as bigotry, or something else, because there are beliefs that predispose people to violence and hatred of women because of what was written in their holy books. Oh, you say, you can't go condemning other religions, who do you think you are? Well, I'm not, because their religion has condemned itself by their own text, which can be skirted around deftly. They (Muhammad and his followers) have a plan: to make the world Muslim by any means, including killing innocent people. This is not about all Muslims being violent; but it is about what is written in their books. And because of what is written, they are in the process of trying to start WW III. You don't believe it. They want your freedoms to vanish to the crescent moon and stars, which are pagan in origin. The ancient Arabs worshiped the moon god, who had daughters - stars. Hence the crescent moon symbol. Satin will use any means at all to enslave you. He is trying to tell you that there is no difference in religions; all gods are the same. This is the Big Lie going around today, that may destroy the world as we know it.
Here is a typical American attitude to the idea about Islam, which was in a blog: "The next time someone says Islam (or another religion for that matter) is violent, take pause. Such over-simplistic stereotypes tend not to be well thought out and are generally just intellectual laziness on the part of a person who can't win an argument otherwise. Anyone can cherry-pick a verse or two from a book." This statement was by a person who confesses to not studying the Qu'ran to find out for himself what is in it. My response to this is that yes, violence is in Christianity and Islam, but Christ did not teach violence, but Mohammad did. Christ came with a message of peace (love oneanother, love your neighbor as yourself, the greatest command is that you love oneanother, they will know you by your love for oneanother, "put down your sword" etc.); Mohammad came as a general, (pick up your sword) who demanded everyone to convert to Islam or die. Christ wanted you to come to Him (and God) by your own free will. This is the difference which Americans confuse, and therefore believe that all religions teach violence.
It reminds me of the attack by Japan on Pearl Harbor. The signs were everywhere. Radar picked up the planes. Intelligence proved Japan was about to attack. Submarines were seen in the ocean off the base, and one was sunk. All the guardians of Pearl Harbor could say is "we need confirmation." Then when the Japanese planes were attacking all around, a voice said: "there's your confirmation!" How much confirmation do you need?
The author of this hate is Satan. Satan wants total war. He hates freedom and truth. False beliefs fear the truth: this applies to politics as well as religion. Satan failed to destroy us by political division of "Democracy and Socialism." The minute Communism fell in Russia, Islam began to rise in power. Now freedom must battle the new enemy. Only force and God can stop this fanatic Islamic threat. Their religion of war against the Jews and Christians (equated with western civilization) has manifested itself in many recent wars, all of which were won by the Jews. So whose God is stronger? Whose truth is stronger? A god that allows forcing people, under penalty of beheading, to accept their false religion, is not a god but a devil. Any religion that says dogs are devils, and must be killed, is a false religion. Which religion do you think this is? In the United States, speaking antisemitic speech is against the law, but if it is part of your religion, I suppose it's OK. Christians have nothing against these people, we are supposed to love everyone.
We can believe anything we want, yes we can fool ourselves or allow others to fool us, there is no law against that. We can follow and worship Rock bands, there is no law against that. But we must bear the consequences of our actions - a concept that is not cool in today's society. The truth never changes.
Why have so many people today turned their backs on God? They claim that religion has caused all the problems in the world today, so religion is the enemy of the human race. The last time I heard something similar was in the Marxist Revolution in Russia. Only it wasn't mainly religion; it was capitalism. The idea was that Capitalism caused all of human problems, and if we just killed all the capitalists, the world would be a paradise. That was a lie of the devil, and so is the idea that all belief systems must be disposed of. If there was no beliefs, so the ideology goes, there can be no wars. BUT, just like the Marxists, these people failed to understand human nature. Man must believe, or he will die. He must believe in the real Creator God, or he will soon be a slave to something else. Satin now uses the "all religions" angle, rather than capitalist angle, because people are wise to that one. Jesus IS the answer.
Is this true? Can the belief in the "Prince of Peace" Jesus Christ, really be bad for humanity? If this is true, where is the proof today? Can you point out an established group of Christians that are planning to start a war in the name of Religion? I can't. But I can show you a group of people from another religion that is preaching war against anyone who does not believe in THEIR religion.
Consider the Budhist religion. Since when did that religion cause human suffering? What about Mother Teressa? Marin Luther King? No. I don't believe that the statement that Religion is an enemy of mankind is true. But I believe that Satin uses violence in the name of Jesus, in order to confuse us. You aren't going to buy into his lie are you?
Does it follow that because there is religious fighting in the world, there is no God? You can't deduce that conclusion from that observation. Well, this is what some people think. The real problems today are caused by FALSE, violent religions, not the peace that Jesus taught. We have all heard a Muslim say that Islam is a religion of Peace. Are they lying, or telling the truth? You must find out, for the sake of your children, and the country. Do not believe anyone unless they can prove it. ISLAM
Islam is very easy to refute, because in it there is a lot about Satan and Allah. Apparently Allah hates pigs and monkeys and other animals "of His creation." So, when asked if Allah loves all his creation, you can stump them, and get them thinking about their own crazy religion. Allah hates dogs and pigs and... But our God created all things and loves them all. Yes he gave us a list of animals we can eat, but He did not degrade them in His text like the Qu'ran does. He is said to have turned Jews into monkeys, rats and pigs, and this is what the terrorists sometimes leave behind in their notes. Did Allah create animals He hates? Did He create people He hates, commanding some to kill them? The real God loves all His creation.
When I was just a new little kid on the block in Canada, I can remember our family going through some hard times as new immigrants. Who do you think came to help us? Was it the Communists, the Socialists, or the Christians? It was the Christians of course. Where were the others? Well they were out there looking after Number 1! Despite all that they profess, they are just as greedy as the Capitalists are, maybe even more so, because they are always after the fruits of other hard-working folks' labors. Every time they see someone drive by with a nice car, they just might think that the person stole it from the poor working man who takes the bus. This view and the hatred it brings out, is the basis of socialist thought - arrogance - they don't want God to change hearts, they want to be that God. They want everyone to be the same, the earth to be homogenous with them in charge forever. This of course is absurd; because equality is a lie of Satan.
They want us to believe that these Marxists are not greedy, they just want to share. Well, they have nothing to share because they sit around in beer parlors philosophizing about why they are poor, (someone else's fault) planning how they are going to take away all the shops and farms, and the fruits of others' hard work and redistributing what actually then becomes scarce goods. That is being more greedy than a person who is willing to work hard to have something and employing others. Now, taking over production is difficult these days, so they take over control of the results of production instead.
The Christians did not ask what was in it for them, they just gave from their hearts, to the needy children. So it is baffling why Christianity is thought of as bad, unless their real motive is to have everyone controlled by the state, and Christians (forces for freedom) are hindering state control of children. While it is true that Christians can be bad like anyone else, it doesn't mean it is Christ's fault, or that the religion must be stomped out. He told people how to behave, and still does with laws that never change. He did his best to change humanity towards love, which He thought was the most important characteristic in mankind we should be cultivating. He did not, like Muslims, (anti-freedom forces) tell people it is OK to lie, or kill unbelievers, although the Roman power hungry Catholic Church did just that. The government has decided to attack the Christian foundations of Canadian and American society by increasing Muslim immigration (anti-freedom forces) to justify their new secular education. (anti-freedom forces) This happened at the very same time that Christianity was removed from schools, c. 1961, promoted by Senator T. Kennedy.
Political Correctness and Religions
Probably the most politically incorrect religion is Christianity. That is why politically correct secular media stay away from trying to make Christianity look good. They prefer to lump it in with all the other religions and say "they are all the same, mostly bad."
The Roots of Terrorism
Christianity versus Islam, the old clash of ideologies - fiction/violence and truth/love. Koran states "...and Muhammad is his prophet." So how do you define prophet? In the Bible, a prophet is one who foretells the future, not just one who receives messages from God. Future events then confirm that the prophet was actually prophesying. The Bible tells us not to listen to "false prophets" or whose prophecies don't come true. Does Satan have the power to appear as an angel? Why not? Muhammad claimed that he got the Koran from Angel Gabriel. The Bible is full of prophecies, which came true, such as those in the Old Testament. Jesus birth and death were told in the Old Testament, and many more events that later happened. If you doubt the Bible, you must check out the issue of fulfilled prophecies; there are a whole bunch of them that happened exactly as written. It also foretells what will happen in the end times, which is good to know. What did Muhammad prophecy? He merely took the old pagan practices and declared them to have come down from the only God, Allah, the Moon God which was worshipped by the Arab pagans, which was one of the Meccan 360 or so Gods. He abolished all the others and kept only one, which he declared to be the "only" one, the greatest (of the 360 gods). Allah is the greatest, he declared. The Koran or Qur'an is therefore a collection of fairy tales handed down by tradition, that Muhammad declared came straight from God. Most of the traditions had already existed before Islam, which he wanted to keep forever. They claim Muhammad did not force anyone to join his new religion. No, he didn't but what they don't reveal is that he gave them a choice: convert or die, no force was used. Muhammad rode into Mecca on horseback with the sword, chop, chop, anyone who did not convert, and the blood flowed. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey preaching love. But you say Christian religion is full of bloodshed. Yes, by violent men, but not the teachings of Jesus. Jesus commanded Peter to put away his sword. The early church in Rome disobeyed Jesus' teachings.
According to Dr. R. Morey, who has successfully debated Islamic scholars, history reveals that Muslim traditions existed already before Muhammad was born. He told his followers such nonsense as Satin resided in the nose during the night, he cut the moon in half with his sword, you can beat your wife if she doesn't obey, you can lie, Allah was the greatest liar of them all because he can do anything he wants to further his cause. There is no assurance of going to heaven unless you kill someone for Islam, for which there is a large reward. The peaceful quotes used to "prove" Islam is peaceful originate from the early writings but as Mohammad's military conquests and victories increased, so did his hostility towards Christians. By the way, an infidel is someone who believes Christ is the Messiah. And most Muslims know what is supposed to be done with them. That they refuse is admirable, but some obey. These are the roots of terrorism. Muhammad got his revelations while possessed by demons, he was epileptic - the "sheeted one" - because they threw a sheet over him during his attacks. Asked how they know Muhammad was a prophet, Muslims say he had a big hairy mole on his shoulder. That is proof! (he needed medical attention for his epilepsy and the mole) He told his followers that Jesus is not the son of God, and the Christian trinity is God who had sex with Mary and they had a son, Jesus. This is a lie, of course. What a terrible situation to be in! When Muslims are asked about these things, they deny them, Islam means peace. Anyone who uses violence and force is said to not be following the tenets of Islam. Is that true? How can it be, if there is so much violence associated with it? Here is an example of "peaceful" Islam: Forced conversions to Islam including circumcisions.
But are all religions the same? What about us in the West, we who think our society and values are better than those in India, Arabia, Iraq, or Russia, for example. Is our society, which has developed out of Judeo-Christian values, better? Certainly freedom has a price, we are also free to do bad things. But is the answer Islam that grips its people in an iron grip, where just about everything is bad and you do as you're told or else? We are all but told by the government not to say Christ is the only way. Soon we won't even be able to say Christmas. There is a larger plot in the works than just denying children God in schools. Do educators, when discussing religions of the world, have any reason to tell children that Christianity is better than say, Islam?
Would you agree with the Bible saying: "you shall know them by their fruits?" In other words, if you want to evaluate something, look at the fruits. I am sure you will answer in the affirmative if you are a practical person with common sense. Well then, which religion treats women the best: Christians, Muslims, Budhists, Hindus, Sikhs...or any other religion? Women in all but the first are treated badly. Bound feet, playthings of the rich businessmen, genital mutilation in Africa, etc. Women in Christian countries are the freest. Sure, Muslim leaders state that Islam holds both sexes on an equal level. But there is a gap between rhetoric and action over there in those countries as well as America. After beating his wife, the man claimed he was doing what his religion told him to. So, they can't have it both ways, say Islam is peaceful to women, and the minute our backs are turned, they act opposite. In factWhoever follows Christ has been set free, as He promised. Christ's teachings elevate women to where they ought to be. In most other religions, and countries, women are dirt under the feet of men. And which country respects all religions: the Arab countries, China, African countries? No, again, it is the Christian countries. So, I beg anyone's pardon who says that Christ's teachings do not lead to the best way of living known to man.
"It is the generous (in character) who is good to women, and it is the wicked who insults them."
"The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are best to their wives."
"Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers."
"Those in favor of abortion are, as long as it isn't them who is being aborted."
America was founded by Christian reformers, followers of Jesus Christ, not Muhammad. There would be no free America if the foundation of North America were Islam. I shudder to think what it would be like Iran, or perhaps Arabia where women have no rights. America (and Canada) was also known as the "land of the free." So it was not political correctness that was responsible for the freedom of women in America, or Western Europe, which is mostly Protestant. While in Eastern Europe, under Orthodoxy, women's position still continues to be much lower than in the West. Can we objectively state therefore, that all religions are the same? Think about it. Freedom versus slavery to a repressive religion, or no religion at all - no hope - which will we teach our kids is best? Consider Finland and Russia. Why are the women freer in Finland than in Russia? Russia did not have a Martin Luther to lead people to the teachings of Jesus. But you might say, doesn't the Orthodox religion do that too? The answer is no. Russians persecute other people especially Christians and Jews while Finns do not. The roots are in their religion. Finns are followers of Christ. The Orthodox religion, which is similar to Catholicism that persecuted and killed millions of people, is an unbiblical (often evil) combination of Church and State that mixes lies, truth and paganism, and does not follow Christ's teachings. Therefore countries with Catholic style religions persecute and kill others because of political viewpoint. (E.g. Central America, Philipines) This does not happen in Finland, founded upon Christ's teachings, not some unbiblical traditions. Any religion can be bad, violent, warlike, abusive, but the worst ones do not obey Christ. Christ did not come to establish a religion, but to reinstate our relationship with God with the truth that sets us free. The Catholics made a religion out of it, and Islam was set up specifically as a religion.
If you don't like religion, I don't blame you. You and I have something in common. But can you truthfully say that what Jesus taught is bad for our society? If you don't know, check it out and I am sure you and I will agree that the answer is "no" we need more of it. Jesus came to bring light to the world, where people loved evil. The evil doers hated the light because it exposed their evil. I hope you love the light as I do. Thank you for your interest.
Listed below are links that you may find interesting and informative.
The writer does not necessarily endorse or agree with all positions of
the authors.
Canadian Radio About the relatively few Canadian Christian radio stations. There are no Christian radio stations in Vancouver BC, but there are at least four stations broadcasting in Punjabi and Mandarin/Cantonese. Problem: CRTC.
Gay Rights Gone Wrong In Canada saying or even implying you don't agree with the gay life-style means you could be charged with assault.
Child Pornography - Soon it may be illegal to say anything bad about child pornography too. Only in Canada, the land of the free.
Seventh Day Adventists Very nice sincere Christians and personal friends, but their prophets E.G. White and William Miller, and therefore doctrines, are suspect.
Robert Schuler - American TV evangelist. Invited to the
Soviet Union in 1989 by Gorbachev and his program is seen all over Russia
on TV. Began the most successful agricultural aid program in Russia.