Artificial Foods Affect the Brain
and Behavior
Carol Simontacchi says that we are going nuts because
we would rather eat nonfood than real food. The combination of infant formulas,
both milk and soya based, plus environmental chemicals/pesticides, are
a major problem for humanity.
After WW II women entered the work force in droves. Someone had to feed
the kids, the women no longer had the time. The food manufacturers siezed
the opportunity and created baby formula. The doctors even said it was
just as good or better than breast milk!
From that point on it was all down hill for nutrition. Margarine and instant
mashed potatoes were just a few of the new "better" foods available.
Marketers soon convinced us that artificial food was better than natural
food. It was "better life through chemistry," and "better
living through science." Science was better, more modern than nature.
But this was not food. Food comes from the forests, fields, lakes, streams,
and oceans - not out of a box. We used to eat locally, what was available,
now we are told that we should eat exotic, synthetic foods, which come
from a box, can or other packages. We think that if it tastes like food,
it must be good.
However, packaged food does not support the healthy development of the
growing brain, nor the functioning of a mature one. Because of this we
have all the child behavior problems. Infant autism has increased 900% from what parents put in babies bodies, and this includes vaccines containing mercury as a preservative.
Millions of kids are now on prozac or some other antidepressant drug. So
would the drug companies support healthy food, or pseudofood? The bottom
line dictates that they feed you food that will make you sick. Many drug
companies are also in the food business. It is criminal.
So, we know that the pseudofoods are devoid of nutrition, and this causes
developmental problems in children but is that all that's wrong with them?
Nutrition is just the beginning of the problem, some of the worst effects
are chemical in origin. Many chemicals and pesticides mimic hormones such
as estrogen, which affects the endocrine system, which directs the functioning
of the whole body. How would you like to give your baby 5 to 10 birth control
pills per day? Well that is exactly what you are doing with many of these
soya-based formulas. Are these foods the real cause of the increase of
feminine thought in males and masculine thoughts in females? They profoundly
affect the developing brain, the first 2 - 3 years of which are critical.
So some behaviors you thought were natural, are really abnormal behavior,
which have been made "normal" politically.
Infant Formula
THA is a structural fat that is important for the
development of the brain. No infant formula in North America has this fat.
It cannot be produced by the child, the child must get it from mother's
milk. Amino Acids are balanced in mother's milk. You cannot get this balance
from artificial food. Milk contains branch chain amino acids, which are
fine for developing big muscles and small brains of cows, but humans need
mother's milk, which develops the human brain. Since the baby's brain is
growing for the first three years of life, the mother should breast-feed
her child for this period. That means she must stay at home. Sorry, but
that is a fact.
If the child does not get the essential fat THA, what happens is, that
there is not enough Tryptophan in the brain to produce seratonin, and the
child's brain and behavior suffers accordingly.
Soya based formula is no better. It contains a substance called isoflavone,
which is a plant estrogen. Your baby could get the equivalent of 5 to 10
birth control pills per day if you feed soya based formulas. This dangerous
substance could be removed for pennies, but it is not. Water is better,
if mother's milk is not available.
The balance of estrogen and testosterone must be correct in the developing
baby if the cognative processes are to be correctly gender specific. This
could be a disaster for your child, who may have sexual identification
problems as an adult. Since soya is in so many products, we may not be
aware of the ultimate effects on our society. Chemicals and pesticides
in our environment, which also have hormonal effects, must be removed forever
from our environment.
An old Finnish saying: vesi vanhin voitehista,
means "water, oldest of medications," and that the ancient Finns
were very aware of the medical value in water.
Since the advent of drugs, the old wisdom of the ages has been cast aside.
It is time to resurrect the past, a time when anecdotal medicine was the
only medicine. Water mother, water nymph, baptism by water - water has
played a big role in our past. Earth, air, fire and water were thought
to be the basics of our reality, the elements. Now we will prove to you
that the value of water is even bigger than you had ever thought; in fact
it is a life-saver.
The Water Cure
The theory is that increasing the amount of water
we drink can keep us healthy or cure our dry parched bodies. We may think
we consume enough water through all kinds of drinks, but the fact is that
most of those drinks are diuretics, forcing you to excrete more water than
you take in. Yes, most of the popular drinks fall into this category including
coffee and pop. Both have caffein, which is a diuretic. Alcohol is a diuretic
that also blocks water from getting into the cells by reducing vascular
tension and water uptake of cells through reverse osmosis, and the result
is a headache, or hang-over.
If water is so good for us, why don't the doctors recommend it then? If
a doctor were to espouse some of the things you are reading on this page,
he would be in trouble because that is not the protocol he is supposed
to use. Some brave doctors take a risk in prescribing water, and cautioning
against many harmful drugs, but these are in the minority. The big problem
is that WATER IS FREE. Nobody can make a dime off your suffering! When
it comes to money, good people become bad, good scientists become bad scientist,
and good doctors become bad doctors.
The cause of disease is more often than not, dehydration. Cancer, Parkingson's
Disease, MS, Asthma, and many other diseases are the result of insufficient
water in our cells and between the cells. Oxygen must travel through some
medium to get from the blood to the cells. If there is not enough water
in our bodies, and if the fluids are acidic, nutrition and oxygen cannot feed the cells. The result is
At this point I would like to mention that we need about 4 quarts or Liters
of water per day. We can get 2 from our food, but the other two must come
from the water we drink. You drink this water slowly during the day. It
is NOT a huge amount, but just two or so glasses more than the eight recommended.
So don't send me email about how I am recommending you to OD on water. Water Cure
Water Cure
To prevent the water from just passing through, we must take about 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt per gallon of water, so that we can retain enough water to begin the healing process. Here again we aren't saying to fill yourself up with salt, but do not go against your doctor's orders either. Most doctors try to tell you to go on a low salt diet, but what do they give you when you are in the hospital? Very expensive saline IV. This salt we are talking about is almost free. Once in a while it doesn't hurt to put in two teaspoons of salt in a gallon of water when you get up on your days off. Don't eat anything before the cleansing regimen, and stay home for at least three or four hours until your colon is clean. Drink the two gallons of water with a half teaspoon of sea salt in any case. If you do this every day for two weeks, whatever ails you will be gone. Please let me know how you do. So say the water experts, and so say I because it is just common sense. But this is not a substitute for medical attention, so do not stop whatever you are on, as it can be dangerous, and consult your physician first in any case. Water will definitely help you off of most medications eventually, whether you have asthma, cancer, insulin independent diabetes (where your pancreas still produces some insulin), or any other disease that is caused by drought. To find out more, read the book.
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© 2000 - 2003 Osmo Joronen
DISCLAIMER: All writings are purely the opinion of this author, and although meant to offer help and guidance, should not be considered as medical advice or in lieu of the recommendations of an attending physician or other health care professional. The information in links are not necessarily the opinions of the writer.